B.Sc. Degree Courses
DSS 101: Introduction to Population Studies I (3 units, Harmattan Semester)
SSC 105: Mathematics for Social Scientists I (3 Units, Harmattan Semester)
DSS 102: Introduction to Population Studies ll (3 units, Rain Semester)
DSS 201: Population Theories and Patterns (3 Units, Harmattan Semester)
DSS 202: Demographic Concepts and Characteristics (3 Units, Rain Semester)
SSC 202: Statistical Methods and Sources II (3 Units, Rain Semester)
DSS 203: Sources and Nature of Social and Economic StatisticsĀ I (3 Units, Harmattan Semester)
DSS 204: Sources and Nature of Social and Economic Statistics II (3 units Rain Semester)
DSS 301: Demographic Data Evaluation I (3 Units, Rain Semester)
DSS302: Measures of Population Change (3 Units, Rain Semester)
DSS 305: Research Methods in Demography (3 Units, Harmattan Semester)
DSS 306: Data collection, Analysis and Presentation. (3 Units, Rain Semester)
DSS 307: Labour Force – Theoretical Considerations (3 Units. Rain Semester)
DSS 308: Labour Force – Data and Measurements (3 Units, Harmattan Semester)
DSS 309: Census Principles, Editing and Management I (3 units Harmattan Semester)
DSS 310: Census Principles Editing and Management II (3 units Rain Semester)
DSS 311: Social Statistics for Demographers (3 Units, Harmattan Semester)
DSS 312: Computer Applications in Demography (3 units Rain Semester)
DSS 401: Demographic Data Evaluation I (3 Units, Harmattan Semester)
DSs 402: Demographic Estimation: (3 Units, Rain Semester)
DSS 403: Advanced Population Theories (3 Units, Harmattan Semester)
DSS 404: Population Trends and Policies: (3 Units, Rain Semester)
DSS 405: Advanced Social Statistics I (3 Units, Harmattan Semester)
DSS 406: Advanced Social Statistics l (3 Units, Rain Semester)
DSS 408: Demography of Aging (3 Units, Harmattan Semester)
DSS 409: Population and Politics (3 Units, Harmattan Semester)
DSS 413: Population and Environment (3 Units, Harmattan Semester)
DSS 414: Computer Models for Demographic Projections (3 Units, Rain Semester)
DSS 415: Sexual and Reproductive Health (3 Units, Harmattan Semester)
DSS 421 Individual Research Project (3 Units, Harmattan Semester)
DSS 422: Individual Research Project Il (3 Units, Rain Semester)